I've been silent on this blog for a while, which is not a good thing. A writer should blog...always.
Yes, this mantra is a bastardization of the idea that a "writer should write...always," an idea I first heard when I was in junior high from the film Throw Momma from the Train, and it's true. A writer should always be writing. However, now, in the ice cold light of the 21st century, a writer has to do a hell of a lot more than write his or her book/script/poem, whatever. Now, unless you're huge, like Stephen King or Salman Rushdie, you have to do at least some of your own marketing, and one of the big ways to keep yourself on public view is to blog.
So, here's my new goal: for the rest of the year, I will write one blog every day. My blogs will mostly be about my writing process, and will be an intensely honest look at how I write on a day to day basis (or often how I don't write, how I spend my writing time zoned out staring at some point to the right of the computer screen, thinking "Duh.")
I'll write about the projects I'm working on (four, which is two too many, actually), how the work is going, what kind of stumbling blocks I come upon, be they internal or external, and how daily life and my writing bleed into each other despite seeming to be completely at odds most of the time.
I'm not promising genius in these blogs. After all, I've only got twenty minutes a day scheduled to blog. But I do promise honesty. So come along on this crazy artistic trip with me if you dare; it's bound to be fun!
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